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0001 Gigi's school picture 1953-1954 renamed Scheibelhut.jpg
0002 Scheibelhuts? Bernadette Kirchner's maternal grandparents
0003 Sharon, Bob,Gigi,Gerry,George,Louise,Bernie at Gigi's UD graduatio (1967?)
0004 Gerry, Gigi, George, Theresa, Bernie in back yard in Dayton
0005 "Mein Bruder und ich" (ask Olga)
0006 Georgetown ESL class 1971
0007 ETSU Aug 1967
0008 ETSU Football game Aug 1967
0010 ETSU Aug 1967
0011 ETSU Aug 1967
0012 Beach at Guajataca, north Coast of PR Jan 1969
0013 ETSU Aug 1967
0014 Lake Caonilla, PR Jan 1969
0015 Roy and Rose Cherrier, PR, Jan 1969
0016 Bob Sep 1969
0017 Bob at dam at Lake Caonillas, PR Jan 1969
0018 Swiss pen pal 1963
0019 Bob's UD graduation May 1964
0020 Gigi in front of Marcy chapel (left side cut off (May 1960)
0021 Bob throwing horshoes? Possibly at Vanderbilt
0023 two guys playing instruments in a park
0024 same park scene
0025 same park scene -- people around picnic table
0026 Bernie Hackenberg Senior class picture, 1968
0027 Paul Andrew Foose, Senior class picture, 1964
0028 Katherine and Frank Hackenberg
0029 Gigi Hackenberg UD Senior class picture 1968?
0030 Pillared building (Mt. Vernon?)
0031 someone reading
0032 Bob and Olga Hackenberg, Sarah Kirchner,maybe in Sarah's house(late 60's)
0033 some homecoming K/Q
0034 Fr. Chaminade statue, Marcy, NY 1960
0035 Bob Hackenberg's graduation (1964?) w George Hackenberg and Louise Reed?
0036 people at Lydia's confirmation?
0037 Bob and George Hackenberg in Marcy, NY, for Bob's 1st vows, May 1960
0038 1960 Novitiate, Marcy NY: Tom Caffrey,Jim?,John Pier,Tom Schaefer,Bob Hackenberg, Dave Dahm, Larry Boesch
0039 Bob, Gigi, George Hackenberg, 1960, Marcy NY
0040 Marianists at picnic
0041 Swiss penpal 1962 (wrote Bob in French for practice)
0042 Novitiate, Marcy, NY, 1960, Gigi,George,Theresa,Bob
0043 Marianist at picnic
0044 Marianists at picnic
0045 Marianists at picnic
0046 Novitiate, Marcy, NY, 1960 Gigi,Bob,Theresa Hackenberg
0047 Three old guys?
0048 Sister ? , a missionary to Latin America
0049 3 Marianists: ?,Leroy Eid, Bob Hackenberg at Mt Vernon?, 1960's
0050 Bob 1967
0051 some Marianists...maybe on Long Island as part of language institute?
0052 Lago Dos Bocas, PR, 1969
0053 Georgetown ESL students 1969-72
0054 Lago Dos Bocas, PR, on the way up the mountain to camp, 1969
0055 The Carribean from hills above Rincon, PR, 1969
0056 Rincon, PR, wind surfing tournament
0057 Peace Corps camp in PR, Olga at Thanksgiving, 1968, in trailer
0058 PR from above Camp Radley, 1969
0059 Halloween, 1968, Anne Terbourgh, nutrition coordinator
0060 Halloween, 1968 PC Training Center
0061 Halloween, 1968, witch is Frits, Director of camp
0062 Halloween, 1968, baby is Mike Hagel, finance director (Olga's boss)
0063 From Camp Radley, 1968
0064 Olga at Lake Caonilla, PR, 1969
0065 Olga with Cherrier kids (PR), 1969
0066 Bob, Thanksgiving dinner in trailer, PR, 1968
0067 Bob and Olga Hackenberg, Halloween, PR,1968
0068 Looking at ocean from above Camp Radley, PR 1968
0069 Georgetown ESL student visiting us (1969-72)
0070 ETSU, August 1967
0071 ETSU, August 1967
0072 Summer 1937,Bernhard Hackenberg (2 yrs), David Hackenberg (1 yr), Mrs. Kessler
0073 Rita Hackenberg
0074 1936: Dolores Kessler (16 1/2, daughter of Mary & Charles Kessler), Bernard Hackenberg (1 1/2 yrs)
0075 Hackenbergs: Earl, David, Bernard, Angela, Rita?
0076 Bernard & Leona Hackenberg, David, Earl, Bernard Jr.
0077 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0078 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0079 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0080 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0081 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0082 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0083 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0084 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0085 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0086 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0087 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0088 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0089 Southern Illinois University , Aug 1667
0090 SIU, 1967, Katrinides,Orpha, Bill Chertack
0091 May 1967, Recepton at Daine Vianello James' home following Margo's wedding
0092 1973 Large group of friends in Nicaragua (Hashbergers, Betty...)
0093 little girl on steps
0094 George, Theresa, Bob, ? baptism of Bob?
0095 Bernard Hackenberg Family: Leona,Bernard Jr, David,Earle,Rita on Bernard's lap (July 1971--can't be right)
0096 Gigi Hackenberg, May 1959, Cheerleader in 8th grade
0097 George, Theresa, Bob, ? baptism of Bob? (another copy)
0098 Bob Hackenberg (around 1959?) portrait
0099 Bob Hackenberg HS graduation portrait 1959
0100 Gigi Hackenberg school portrait 1956-57 Age 11
0101 George, Theresa, Bob...? a baptism
0102 George Hackenberg family portrait: George, Theresa, Gerry, Bob,Gigi,Bernie (around 1957)
0103 Bob Hackenberg around age 5-7 (1946-48)
0104 Gerry Hackenberg around 1957, portrait
0105 Bob Hackenberg, Leroy Eid at Iwo Jima Memorial, around 1966
0106 Gigi Hackenberg school portrait 1953-54 Age 9
0107 CanCan 1959: Jim Pfander, Larry Englert, Bill Wabler, Bob Hackenberg
0108 CanCan 1969 Text to photo
0109 CanCan 1959 Soft shoe: Kathy Gibbs and Bob Hosfeld
0110 Bob Hackenberg, school picture 1949-1950 Age 8-9
0111 May 1953; Sesquicentennial play at Holy Family School; Bob Hackenberg was one of the dancers
0112 1986,demonstration of Vocam at Air Force conference in Dayton, Ohio; Bob Hackenberg on left and Jim Moffa on right; note camera that is being controlled up on top of booth
0113 Bob Hackenberg, 1959, senior portrait from Chaminade HS
0114 George Hackenberg (newspaper picture from around 1941-42 that accompanied an article about his being drafted); around 29 years old
Theresa Hackenberg portrait, probably in late 1930's
0116 Postcard from George Hackenberg to Theresa dated July 30, 2946; sent from Milwaukee, WI)
0117 Frank and Catherine Hackenberg portrait
0118 Theresa Hackenberg, HS graduation portrait, about 1931
0119 Dayton house 29 Lutz Ave
0120 Dayton house 29 Lutz Ave., real estate listing (around 1954)
0121 Article about George Hackenberg was last name drawn from last draft list for Oct 31, 1940
0122 Article about George Hackenberg was last name drawn from last draft list for Oct 31, 1940 (cropped article)
0123 Kellers: Joseph Keller, Fr. keller, Bob McCormack
0124 Bob Hackenberg portrait, Aug 8, 1944, 3 1/2 years old
0125 Bob Hackenberg school picture 1948-49 8 years old
0126 Bob Hackenberg 8th grade, 13 yrs old, around 1954
0127 Bob Hackenberg 11th grade, 17 yrs old, around 1958
0128 Bob Hackenberg around 4th grade, 1951
0129 Marcy,NY Marianist Novitiate, May 1960, Larry Boesch,John Pier,Tom Schafer,Dave Dahm,Schlegel?,Bob Hackenberg
0130 Bob Hackenberg, June 20, 1942, 15 months
0131 Bob Hackenberg, Aug 30,1941 5 months
0132 Bob Hackenberg, Aug 30,1941 5 months
0133 Bob Hackenberg, 1953-54, 13 years old
0134 Bob Hackenberg, Aug 30,1941 5 months
0135 Bob Hackenberg, posing with Santa, 7 yrs old, 1948
0136 Bob Hackenberg, at Uncle Leonard Hackenberg's,
0137 Bob Hackenberg, Catholic Youth Org. ID card, 1957
0138 Bob Hackenberg's 8th grade graduation, June 1955
0139 Bob Hackenberg's 8th grade graduation, June 1955
0140 Bob Hackenberg, July 1941, 5 months old
0141 Bob Hackenberg, sitting on the fence maybe in Wheeling around 1942
0142 Bob Hackenberg, about 10 years old, 1951-52
0143 Bob Hackenberg, about 8 years old, 1949
0144 Bob Hackenberg, on pony, Aug, 1947, 6 years old
0145 George Hackenberg, around 1946 in Milwaukee. He is in center with two couples (coincides with postcard from that time)
0146 Jerry and Bernie on pony in Overlook Homes, around 1953
0147 Jerry and Bernie with Santa Claus, around 1955
0148 Jerry and Bernie with Santa Claus, around 1956
0149 George Hackenberg, probably in 1930's
0150 Louise, Betty, and Theresa Kirchner (not sure of order) in 1930's
0151 George and Theresa Hackenberg, probably in late 1930's
0152 George Hackenberg around 1914
0153 George Hackenberg and Angela? around 1920
0154 George Hackenberg? around 1920?
0155 George Hackenberg 1924 11 years old
0156 George Hackenberg 1926 13 years old
0157 Bob Hackenberg 1st Communion class, 2nd grade, 1949 (Bob is 2nd row, left side) Holy Family Church, Dayton
0158 Bob Hackenberg 1st Communion class, 2nd grade, 1949 (Bob is 2nd row, left side)
0159 Bob Hackenberg, 1959, HS senior picture, 18 yrs old
0160 Bob Hackenberg, around 1949
0161 Nashville, 1975, Brian, Dave, Dan in yard (with neighbor kid)
0162 Nashville, 1975, Brian, Dave, Dan in yard (with neighbor kid)
0162 Nashville, 1975, Brian, Dave, Dan in yard
0163 Nashville, 1975, Brian, Dave, Dan in yard
0164 Dave around 6 years old
0165 Bob and Dave in Virginia Oct, 1971
0166 Brian 7 yrs old
0167 Dan 7 yrs old?
0168 Valerie 7 years old?
0169 Valerie 3 months?
0170 Brian,Dave,Dan Oct, 1975 Vanderbilt U. Campus
0171 Brian, Dave, Dan, Easter, 1975, Nashville
0172 Dan,Valerie,Brian,Dave,Bob,Olga, 1981?
0173 Brian,Dave,Dan, 1974
0174 Bob, 1975, Vanderbilt U. Nashville
0175 a Lutheran confirmation class
0176 Bob Hackenberg Age 3?
0177 Wedding, one of Olga's cousins/friends, Olga front left
0178 VOCAM demo, Gene Gibbs, Bob Hackenberg, Sheldon Oxenberg, 1976 Marlton, NJ, RCA
0179 Bob Hackenberg,Nick Straguzzi, 1988, MicroTune Award
0180 Gregory Otto Keller b. Jan 9 1833 d. Apr 10 1903 Beradette Keller Kirschner's dad
0181 Teresa Scheibelhood Keller b Nov 23 1839 d Feb 2 1914 Bernadette Keller Kirchner's mom
0182 Bernadette and Frank Kirchner?
0183 Aunt Lena Walters Keller,Uncle Henry, Uncle Joe, Frank Kirchner. children unknown
0184 Bernadette Keller Kirchner (left)
0185 Bernadette Keller Kircher (bottom), Theresia Katherine Scheibelhut Keller in black
0186 (back) Henry Melchior Keller, Frank Kirchner, Joseph Keller; women: Bernadette Keller Kirchner (Frank's wife), Minnie Flading Keller (Henry's wife), Emma Keller Kirchner (Edmund's wife), Theresia Katherine Scheibelhut Keller, and ?
0187 Bernadette Keller Kirchner, Frank Kirchner, Lena Walters Keller, Joe (John James)Keller, Emma Keller Kirchner, Theresia Scheibelhut Keller, Minnie Flading Keller
0188 Theresa Kirchner Hackenberg, Louise Kirchner Reed
0189 Theresa Kirchner Hackenberg, Louise Kirchner Reed
0190 Theresa Kirchner Hackenberg, Louise Kirchner Reed
0191 Louise Kirchner Reed, Theresa Kirchner Hackenberg
0192 Mary Theresa Kirchner Hackenberg
0193 Mary Louise Kirchner Reed
0194 Theresa Kirchner Hackenberg, Louise Kirchner Reed
0195 Theresa Kirchner Hackenberg, Betty Kirchner Foose, Marth Paul, 1941
0196 Theresa, Louise, Gregory, Andrew, Betty Kirchner
0197 Theresa, Louise, Gregory, Andrew, Betty Kirchner
0198 Bob Hackenberg, 1957
0199 George, Catherine, Bernard, Francis, Frank, Angela Hackenberg
0200 Frank Hackenberg and Katherine Baumann wedding picture Oct 7, 1908
0201 George (1913), Francis (1910), Bernard (1909) Hackeneberg as altar boys
0202 Theresa and Louise Kirchner's graduation class of 1933
0203 Louise Kirchner's 1933 High School graduation picture
0204 Theresa Kirchner's 1933 High School graduation picture
0205 Marianist Language Institute, 1962 ro 1963, Bob Hackenberg 3rd row up, just to the right of a nun
0206 Bob Hackenber's confirmation class, April 1955, Bob is 2nd row on right
0207 Bob Hackenberg, 2nd from right
0208 Mike Reed, pony picture
0209 Bob Hackenberg 1 yr, Tom seed 4 yrs., 1942
0210 Tommy Cogan, Holy Family School 1949-1950
0211 Gigi Hackenberg Cali, school picture 1951-52
0212 Gigi Hackenberg Cali, school picture, 1956
0213 Immaculate Conception School, Dayton, 1955, (Sister Mary Elizabeth, SND); Bob is 3rd row from bottom on right; Jim Herbert is 4th row on right; John Pier is 3rd row on left
0214 Bob Hackenberg, highschool picture
0215 some chemistry building
0216 Chester Vance, friend of Bob Hackenberg in Overlook Homes, Dayton, OH
0217 Bernadette Hackenberg Smith,
0218 Overlook Homes, Dayton, 1944;Martha Ray Keating, Chester Vance, Bob Hackenberg
0219 Bob Hackenberg, 1942in Overlook Homes
0220 Bob Hackenberg, 1st Communion, 1948, Overlook Homes, Dayton
0221 Neighbor boy and Bob Hackenberg, 1948, in front of 45 Halsey Dr.
0222 Bob Hackenberg with 24 inch Schwinn, his first bike. 1948
0223 Bob Hackenberg's bike in front of 45 Halsey Dr.,1948
0224 Bob Hackenberg on back porch of 45 Halsey, with Dunham boy?, Oct. 1946
0225 Dorothy Vance, Theresa Kirchner Hackenberg, Marth Keating, 1955
0226 Bob Hackenberg's 1st Communion, circled in picture, 1948, Holy Family Church
0227 Bob Hackenberg, school picture 1949-1950
0228 Bernadette Hackenberg Smith, school pictures
0229 Bob Hackenberg 1946 or 1948
0230 Rita Bookwalter, Bob Hackenberg, May 1959
0231 Chaminade HS football team picture (Bob Hackenberg not on picture)
0232 Bob Hackenberg, Mary Frei, ?, John Moore (around 1958)
0233 John Moore, ?,Rita Bookwalter, Bob Hackenber May, 1959
0234 Rita Bookwalter, Bob Hackenberg May, 1959
0235 John Moore's montage picture (John, Bob Hackenberg, Mary Frei, and John's friend
0236 Bob Hackenberg's highschool picture with his football letter sweater 1957
0237 Bob Hackenberg and Rita Bookwalter, Junior Prom
0238 Bob Hackenberg 1959 class picture (Chaminade HS)
0239 Immaculate Conception school, 8th grade class 1955, Sister Mary Austin
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